Murder at Tiger Eye Read online

Page 6

  Niki let out a deep breath. "Okay, I’ll help you. But I want you to remember this when my clients complain about my lack of attention to their cases."

  "At least you closed one yesterday. That only leaves you with five. What are you complaining about?"

  "We closed one this morning. That leaves four. That doesn't count the two I'm working for you. If my public education is accurate, that brings me back to six. You know, ten minutes of free time isn’t illegal."

  "I know and I hate it. If it was anyone but my sister, I wouldn't ask. I owe you a big one. Oh, I forgot. I’m flying out to Washington tonight, and won't be back until Wednesday. You’ll have to work it by yourself until then."

  "Thanks. Anything else you forgot to tell me about the show, Mrs. Lincoln?"

  “Sorry. I can't help it. Big vote on regulations for Wall Street. I have to be there. Tell Donna ‘hello' for me.”

  “I will. I'll tell her she has one more member of her fan club. She might let you be president."

  Niki hung up and grinned at Donna. "He likes you."

  "But I only met him one time before last night, and I didn't know he was a senator then. I only talked to him for ten minutes while he was waiting for Mr. Wilson."

  "With men, that's all it takes. In two minutes, you end up on their ‘Boy, I want her' list or the ‘I wouldn’t touch her with a ten-foot pole' less. You made the first one."

  Donna looked at her with a serious frown. "If you believe that, why aren’t you mad? I'd kill Blake."

  Niki laughed. “I know Dalton. He's like most men. They put you on the ‘I want her' list, but it's only in their mind. It's when Dalton quits looking, then I'll worry.”

  Donna shook her head. “Blake will kill me if I even look at another guy. Then he would kill the guy.”

  Niki smiled. "I guess he loves you."

  "Yes, Ma'am. There's no doubt about it."

  "Hey, it's almost five o'clock. We missed lunch. Are you hungry?"

  Donna rubbed her stomach. "I could eat a horse, and you don't even have to take the saddle off."

  "What kind of food do you like?"

  "The kind that's on my plate. I'm not picky."

  Niki packed her case. "I'm in the mood for some fried alligator tails. How about The Chimes? They've got one on Corsey now, just around the corner."

  "I need to call Blake and let him know where I'm going. He gets mad when I don't tell him."

  Niki said nothing. She decided to stay out of the young couple’s relationship.


  Baton Rouge

  The girls finished two orders of tales and asked for their entrées. When the waiter left for the kitchen, a large figure filled the vacant space. Niki looked up, surprised to see Blake looming over the table. She was not happy, and did not try to hide it.

  "Quote she asked.

  The hawk shook his massive head. "Nope. I had to make sure she was where she said she was."

  Donna's mouth fell open. "Blake, please. Miss Niki and I were enjoying a good meal. We haven't had a chance to eat all day."

  Blake rested a hand on the table. "Look, when you tell me you were helping her, I didn't know it would take up all of your time. This is our open week without a game. You could have spent all weekend with me."

  Niki saw the redness in Donna space. She decided she could not sit around for this bullying.

  "Blake, it's good to see you, but this is a business mail. We are talking about the case, and I need Donna's full attention. Since I'm paying for the meal, and paying her, I must insist you give us some privacy."

  "Bitch," Blake uttered under his breath. Then he strode out of the restaurant. A tear rolled down Donna's cheek. "I'm really sorry. Sometimes, he goes a little overboard."

  Niki reached across the table and clasped her hand. "It's okay. I'm sure he will get better over time."

  Niki did not believe what she told Donna. She had seen abusive relationship in her cases, and none of them worked out well. Most ended up like Ralph Martin, only not to that extreme. She was truly worried about her new young friend.

  There shrimp scampi and seafood pasta arrived at the table before either could say more. After a few bites, Niki notice that Donna was not eating

  "what part of that horse don't you like? I thought you said you were hungry."

  Donna barely lifted her eyes, and smiled weakly

  "it's not the food. I guess I'm a little embarrassed about what Blake did. You would never put up with the senator doing that to you."

  Niki placed her for on top of the plate. "Dalton would never do it. I don't want to get into your business, believe you want to talk, I'm here."

  Donna gave up all pretenses of eating. "Miss Niki, I don't know what to do. I love him more than anything else in the world. He has a great future in football. But sometimes, he doesn't seem to respect me much like tonight."

  "Honey, make sure you're in love with Blake, and not the dream of being a football star's wife. I went through the same thing, and I had a huge blind spot for John that was his name, John d'Iberville. He was the star of our high school team and got a scholarship to Tech in Ru. I didn't realize what a creep he really was until it was almost too late. It almost cost me my life."

  "But Blake isn't he's jealous." Niki squeezed her hand I'm not an expert on relationships, and I can't pretend to know about the one with you and Blake. You guys need to discover what is best for both of you. The only advice I can give you is to not expect to change in his core nature it said he is and he will be true to his nature all of his life."

  Donna shook her head. "Blake is not like other guys. I know he will start treating me with respect. You just wait and see."

  Sunday Morning


  The cool breeze and bright skies enhanced the stimulating flavor of Niki's cup of Community Coffee on Sunday morning. Sitting in her nightgown on her back porch overlooking the tranquil Lake behind the townhouse complex tempted her to skip church services. Then she heard the knock on her front door. The private investigator took a step back when she saw Donna Cross standing outside. Her red eyes did not overshadow her swollen lips. Her bottom lip looked at as if it had received three doses of Botox.

  "My God," Niki exclaimed. "Come in. Please."

  Donna sat on the closest love seat, avoiding eye contact with the private investigator.

  "What happened?" Niki asked.

  "He hit me. Blake hit me. I know he didn't mean to, but he did."

  Donna reached up to touch her broken lip.

  "It was my fault. If I wouldn't have made him mad, he wouldn't have done it. He's not like that."

  "Do you want some coffee? Have you had breakfast yet?"

  "I'm fine. Thanks, but I don't want to be a bother. I only needed to talk to someone."

  "You have to eat. I'm not much of a cook, but I'm pretty good at instant oatmeal. And I make mean pop tarts. Which would you prefer?"

  Niki received a slight smile from the distraught girl.

  "A pop tart would be great. Maybe a glass of milk."

  When Niki returned with the two, she sat next to Donna.

  "Tell me exactly what happened. I know you love Blake, but I need to know the truth. It's the only way I can help you."

  Donna wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.

  "Like I said, it was my fault. I told him he needed to treat me and start acting towards me the way that Dalton does you. I told him to treat me the very same way."

  "What happened next?" Niki asked.

  "He told me you weren’t telling me the truth. He said he would bet the senator is a real prick, and you were only covering for him. I told him you would tell me, and he was crazy to think those things. That's when he hit me."

  "Did you call the police?" Donna sat straight up. "Heavens, no. I could never do that to Blake. Besides it was my fault. I shouldn't have said he was crazy. I didn't know what to do. That's why I'm here."

  "Give me Blake's cell number."


  "I need to talk to him."

  Donna reluctantly gave her Blake's cell number.

  "Hello, Blake, this is Niki Dupre. We need to talk"

  Donna only heard one side of the conversation "You can either talk to me or talk to the police. It's your choice, but you’ll talk to one of us."

  “No, Blake. You can't do that either and I don't appreciate you using that kind of language. in fact, I won’t allow it. Either you talk like a grown man or this conversation is over, and there will be a knock on your door in a few minutes."

  "That's better. Now, if you ever hit Donna again or harm her anyway, you’ll answer to me."

  "No, you won't do that either. This little girl will kick your ass so hard you’ll cry like a newborn calf. Then you’ll have to explain to the whole world, including your football buddies, how a female turned your butt into raw hamburger meat."

  "Come on over and get yourself some. But I have to warn you, you're going to get a lot more than you bargained for."

  "That's a good start. But you need to be apologizing to Donna, not to me."

  "He wants to talk to you," Niki handed her cell to Donna.

  Donna said' hello', then was silent. She turned off the phone.

  "What did he say?” Niki asked when she took back her phone.

  "He called you a bitch. Then he said he would take care of you, then me. I think you made him mad, Miss Niki."

  Niki smiled.

  “Don't worry. If he starts with me, then he won't make it to you. I wasn't kidding when I told him that I’d kick his big butt."

  Donna shook her head. "Miss Niki, you've seen him. He's a football player. I’ve seen him beat up other guys when they looked at me wrong. You wouldn't have a chance."

  Niki laughed.

  "Then he's right where I want him. He's all brawn and no brains. He thinks because he so strong that he can overpower me. Trust me. I didn't get a black belt in Kempo for nothing."

  “Maybe not you, but he scares the heck out of me. I don't think he’ll do anything. He loves me too much."

  Niki cell buzzed again.

  "Oh, she said. It's the surveillance from Carla White’s apartment. Somebody must be in there without her permission."

  She flicked on the software download. The cameras displayed a man in his mid-forties walking around Carla’s apartment. He was balding with a beer gut hanging over his belt. His shirt was staying with remnants of food and beer. Niki motioned for Donna.

  "You need to see this clown. Can you call the police while I watch him?"

  Donna called the cops and then returned to watching the scene emanating from Niki's cell.

  "What in the world?" Donna gasped.

  The bald man undressed in Carla's bedroom. He took out one of Carla's bras and strapped it on. Then he put on a pair of her panties.

  "This is unbelievable," Donna said, still staring at the cell. "This guy is a real pervert."

  What the man did next confirmed Donna’s statement. The intruder had just completed his self pleasure when two police officers burst into the room. The two girls watched the cops place the blubbering man into cuffs They removed him from the apartment still dressed in Carla's underwear.

  "Now that is creepy," Donna said.

  "You're right. When Carla told me someone was sneaking into her apartment, I thought it was probably a misguided teenage boy. I never dreamed it was an old reprobate."

  "Life is full of surprises."

  Niki laughed. "You can say that again."

  Sunday Afternoon

  Home of Sheila Wilson

  "Mrs Wilson, I'm sorry about your loss," Niki said. "Are you okay?"

  "Yes, Ms. Dupre. I still can't believe Scott is gone, but the pastor said at the service yesterday that he is in a better place. No more pain. No more worries. No more stress. That helps."

  "I need to ask you a few questions. Your answers may help me find out who did this."

  Sheila Wilson was a striking woman with a shapely figure. The background check revealed she was a little over forty years old, but to Niki, she could have passed for thirty. Even in her state of mourning, Sheila would make any man take a second look. On this Sunday afternoon, the day after the funeral services for her husband, the widow wore tight blue jeans and a form-fitting stretch top. Niki saw the assets that attracted Ashton Johnston to his partner’s spouse.

  "When did you last see your husband?"

  "Hmm—," Sheila hesitated. "It was Wednesday afternoon. I was in town and decided to drop by his office."

  "Was anything bothering him when you saw him?"

  The widow nodded. "He barely paid any attention to me. He said the falling market was tearing the company a new one. He was as worried as I've ever seen him."

  "What was the purpose of your visit?"

  Sheila raised a tissue to the corner of her eye, though Niki could see no evidence of tears.

  "I wanted him to know that I loved him no matter what happened to the market or to the company. None of that mattered to me. I think he needed to know that."

  Niki let the widow talk, and did not interrupt her.

  "Scott was older than me. That age difference. It concerned him at times. It didn't even enter my mind, but it bothered him."

  "Is that why you were having an affair with Ashton Johnston? The age difference?"

  Sheila was visibly shaken.

  "What—? What in the world are you talking about? Ashton and I are friends, but he is—he is Scott's partner. I would never do anything like that."

  "That's not true, Mrs. Wilson."

  The blood drained from Sheila’s face.

  "How dare you come into my home the day after my husband is buried and accuse me of that? You need to leave."

  Niki remained seated in her chair.

  "If you wish, I’ll leave. But first I want to remind you is that I’m a federal investigator. If you have lied to me, you have committed a felony. That means you’ll go to jail."

  Actual tears flowed down the widow’s face, causing messy streaks of mascara and makeup.

  "I swear to you that the only relationship I've ever had with Ashton was professional."

  Niki pulled a notebook and flipped through a few pages.

  "Not according to Mr. Johnson. He told me, and I quote, "Sheila and I are having an affair. If my wife finds out about it, I'll be ruined". Would you like to call him to confirm that is what he told me?"

  It took more than one tissue to stem the steady flow of tears. Sheila looked at Niki, then to her lap. Finally, she looked back at the young investigator.

  "We didn't mean for it to end up the way it did."

  Niki again remained silent.

  "I went by one day when I knew Scott was out of the office meeting with a client. I wanted to ask Ashton if he had noticed the difference in Scott. I got emotional, and things just happened from there. Ashton went from being a shoulder to cry on to being a crutch for me and my fears."

  Niki jotted down a few notes.

  "The affair is still going on? Is that correct?"

  Sheila struggled for an answer. "We—we were seeing each other, but I haven't talked to Ashton since all this happened except to hug him at the service yesterday."

  "Were you two planning on leaving your spouses?"

  Sheila grabbed more tissues. "Yes. We talked about it often. But the problem was how it would affect the business. Ashton didn't know how he and Scott could work together if I left Scott for him."

  Niki smiled. "I don't guess you and he shouldn't have to worry about that now. Scott is not a problem anymore, is he?"

  "Wait. You don't think Ashton killed Scott to get me, do you? That is absurd."

  Niki smiled. "Why is it absurd? You don't have to divorce Scott. Ashton has to divorce his wife, but both of you keep controlling interest in the company with no questions. Seems like a perfect fit to me."

  "Ashton did not kill Scott. He is not that type of man. He's a gentleman."

  "Did y
ou kill your husband?"

  Sheila stared past Niki as some unseen object.

  "No, of course not. No matter what Ashton I were doing, I still loved Scott. He could no longer express his love for me physically, but I know he loved me."

  "Did you stop by the reception desk when you were at the Tiger Eye office?"

  "No." She hesitated. "Well, I was in the front of it while waiting for Scott to get free. But that was only for a few minutes."

  "You didn't ask Donna for a few stamps?"

  The widow's eyes grew wide.

  "That little wench. She’s been spreading rumors, hasn't she? She’s the one that told you about Ashton and me."

  "Donna is not the reason I know about the affair. Telephone records made it fairly obvious."

  Sheila shook her head.

  "I don't believe you. It has to be that hussy. Tell her to enjoy her last few days of work because when I take control of Scott's share of the company, she is fired. The minute I walk in, she will walk out."

  Niki did not reply immediately. She jotted down some notes on her pad.

  "Mrs. Wilson, I have no say in what happens at the office, but Donna has done nothing but help me find out who is responsible for your husband's death. She liked him and wants to help."

  Sheila scoffed. "I bet he liked her. I bet he could even get it up for her. That doesn't surprise me. Wait until she gets my age. How many men will swoon at her then? She'll probably weigh two hundred pounds, and those pretty little legs of hers will look like overstuffed sausages."

  "I'm not here to talk about Donna. I want to find out who killed your husband."

  Sheila continued to rant. "It could have been that little twit. Why not? Didn't the letter opener come from her desk? She wasn't even smart enough to steal something from another desk. Dumb, don't you think?"

  "Did you get some stamps from Donna?"

  "Yes, but that isn't unusual. Scott usually brings me some so I don't have to wait in line at the post office. I got some while I was there."

  "Did you see the letter opener on Donna's desk when you were there?"